A Parent’s Guide to Distance Learning

The Importance of Attendance, Communication, and Work Completion


We’ve come to a new era in education where many of us wonder how we, let alone our children, will survive this “new normal.” Though distance learning is NOT for everyone, we’ve continued moving forward even without the traditional classroom environment, given the circumstances of a worldwide pandemic.  In this blog post, we’ll emphasize the importance of attendance, communication, and work completion, to help make this school year the best one yet!  Here are a few tips for parents and students to ensure a smooth transition into distance learning and beyond.


Even though students are not sitting in a physical classroom environment to call out “present,” attendance is just as important as ever.  Whether students are in the classroom, in-person, or virtually, attendance is based on consistently attending class daily AND turning in completed work.  Not having your work complete and missing your online class is the equivalent of being absent. 


Students: Ask for help when needed.  It is essential to talk to your teacher about any questions, concerns, or areas of struggle you have.  Take full advantage of the office hours your teacher has to offer.  They want to talk to you, get to know you, and help you learn.

Parents/guardians and anyone who actively participates in any aged student’s life: Make education and learning a part of your daily routine as a family.  Communicate with your kids.  Ask about their favorite topics and what makes the school day difficult.  Create daily goals, set a schedule that works best for your family, and don’t forget to have fun, like reading a favorite book or passage before bed. 

Moreover, communicate with your school.  Now is the time to reach out and establish contact so that there are no surprises for quarter and semester grades.  Send a quick email, or sign up for that online app that will help you keep track of your child’s progress.  Lastly, ask questions and ask for help when needed.  Growth and success are achieved by working and learning from one another.

Work Completion

Be sure to turn in all of your assignments completed to the best of your ability.  Completing assignments is one of the most critical parts of distance learning.  Student work should not only be complete but also show quality and effort.  Again, contact the teacher for help or, if needed, consider getting a tutor.


Make this school year not only educational but enjoyable and memorable!


Remember that this is not last March when schools and teachers had to switch up their teaching styles from one day to the next.  Though there is still a learning curve, schools are much more prepared to work with you and your children.  I guarantee your child’s teacher has been preparing for hours to make their lesson plans come to life in your home. 

Make this school year not only educational but enjoyable and memorable!  Let us embrace this change with an open mind and a little humility.  Yes, mistakes will be made, and it will not all go without a hitch, but we will not fail our children.  We will continue working purposefully and tirelessly to prepare them for the new century. 


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